Sound Healer Certification Level I
Let the sounds and vibrations align the mind-body connection to facilitate healing.

This will be an in person class focusing on the Fundamentals of Sound Healing and Crystal Bowls. We will be discussing the following topics to prepare you for your certification test.
– The History of Sound Healing
– The Science of Sound
– Chakras and Crystals
– Sacred Solfeggio Tones & Kochi Chimes
– Responses to Sound Healing
– Sound Healinjg Tools
– What Hinders Healing
– The future of Sound Healing
In addition to the class manuel and Level I Certification, you will have a chance to see the instruments in person, I will demonstrate the different tools and techniques on how to play, ask questions, and experience an in person Sound Bath session. These are just some of the benefits you will receive by attending this in-person training course. I’m excited that you have chosen this modality as part of your healing journey
In-person 4-5 hours – $350
The angel number 350 is a sign from your angels that new beginnings and fresh opportunities are on the horizon.