Sound Healer Certification Level II
Let the sound and vibrations align the mind-body connection to facilitate healing.

This will be an in person class focusing on the hands on of playing the crytal singing bowls. We will be discussing the following topics to prepare you for your certification test.
– History of Singing Bowls
– How the bowls are made
– Unpacking bowls and choosing a mallet
– 440hz vs. 432hz
– Cleaning, storing and sitting
– Playing the bowls
– What are Chakras & Reiki
– Zoom & microphones
– Chakra alignment 1 & 2
– Singing Pyramids
_ Opening and closing a session
In addition to the class manuel and Level II Certification, you will have hands on experience with crystal bowls, learn how to hold your mallet, work with pyramids, practice and ask questions, learn how to care for your bowls, how to hold your own Sound Bath and experience an in person session. These are just some of the benefits you will receive by attending this in-person training course. I’m excited that you have chosen this modality as part of your healing journey.
In-person 4-5 hours – $450
The angel number 450 represents spiritual transformation and growth and you are being guided towards your purpose or destiny.